ProductsAll TMXFLOW Pumps and Fluid handling Equipments (products) are manufactured with reliability, efficiency, hygiene, low energy consumption and compact size in mind.

We are a manufacturer of high-quality pumps and fluid handling equipment. Our extensive range of products includes pumps, agitators, mixers, blenders, heat exchangers, and complete fluid handling systems. With our expertise and dedication to excellence, we provide reliable solutions for a wide range of industries.

Our Product Categories


SLA Lobe Pump
STS Twin Screw Pump
Chocolate Pumping
SKD Vertical Agitator
IBC Tank Agitator
SKP Portable Agitator
Bottom Side Entry Agitator
SKDS Vertical Agitator
SDD Vertical Mixer
SDP Inline Mixer
SDB Tank Bottom Mixer
Table Blenders
SB-100 Horizontal Blender
SB-200 Horizontal Blender
Gasketed PHE
CIP Systems
Drum Unloading Systems
TSV Safety Valve

About TMX FLOW Products

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