Bottom Side Entry Agitators for great performance

SKYR & SKYM Bottom Side Entry Agitators are highly suitable for maintaining and mixing products in medium and large volume vessels.
This models are installed in the bottom of the vessel, slanted to obtain the optimum mix ratio. The shaft length, diameter and propeller type are selected with this same purpose. All this, along with the mechanical sealing system in the shaft, allows these agitators to offer high performance and durability.


dairy products




food products


pharmaceutical products


brewery products




The side entry agitators are used in process and storage tanks in the applications of the food-procesing industry.

The main application is the agitation of low viscosity products like wine, oil, milk, beer, alcohol, etc. in large volume tanks


These Bottom Side Entry Agitators are installed in a inclined position. The rotation of the propeller creates a flow that impales the product to the bottom of the tank and then raises up to the surface along the wall opposite to the agitator. The effect is promoted if the bottom is curved. The agitator is installed decentralized to enhance the circular flow. Thus a complete homogenization of the product is achieved.

Technical Specifications of Bottom Side Entry Agitators


Parts in contact with the product: AISI 316L
Lantern and bearing support: GG 15
Mechanical seal: C/Sic/EPDM
Gaskets: EPDM
Surface condition: Ra ≤ 0.8 µm


  • Double flush mechanical seal.
  • Plastic coated shaft and propeller for use with corrosive media.
  • Welded propeller with surface finish Ra ≤ 0.5 µm.
  • Motor housing.
  • Motors with other protections.
  • Seal: Viton
  • Various propeller types.
  • ATEX motor.
  • High flow rate propeller.
  • User benefits
  • Versatile, modular and hygienic design
  • Can be configured for minimum energy consumption
  • Gentle product handling
  • Higher availability and higher yields due to low maintenance

Propeller Type

Propeller Type

The design of the propeller have a decisive influence on the process engineering and mechanical properties.

Thanks to specific design of HighFlow propeller , it can be used when the tank volume is bigger thank 200 m3. Compared to other conventional propeller , it pumps more flow and delivers more energy to fluid with low power consumption. Bottom Side Entry Agitators

Bottom Side Entry Agitators Selection Parameters

Type Flow (m³/h) Tank Volume (m³) Power (kw) Speed (rpm) Weight (kg)
SKYR 02-05-325 243 5-20 0,55 200 55
SKYR 02-07-400 455 20-50 0,75 58
SKYR 02-15-500 915 50-100 1,50 65
SKYR 02-30-600 1550 100-150 3,00 78
SKYR 02-40-650 1973 150-200 4,00 136
Type Flow (m³/h) Tank Volume (m³) Power (kw) Speed (rpm) Weight (kg)
SKYM 15-15-175 275 5-20 1,5 1500 47
SKYM 15-30-200 415 20-50 3,0 57
SKYM 15-55-225 815 80-140 5,5 67
SKYM 15-75-250 1081 80-140 7,5 76
SKYM 15-11-275 270 140-200 11,0 146
SKYM 10-01-200 385 5-20 1,1 1000 49
SKYM 10-22-225 555 20-60 2,2 63
SKYM 10-30-250 715 20-60 3,0 67
SKYM 10-40-275 935 60-90 4,0 76
SKYM 10-55-300 1455 90-150 5,5 151
SKYM 10-75-350 1455 150-200 7,5 183

User Benefits

  • Versatile, modular, hygienic design
  • Can be configured for minimum energy consumption
  • Gentle product treatment
  • More uptime and higher yields due to low maintenance

Downloads & Documents

Bottom Side Entry Agitators Inquiry Form

    Contact Information








    Esenşehir Mah. Müge sok. No:8/3-A Ümraniye -İstanbul – Turkey


    +90 216 232 22 38

    Do you have questions about how our products can help you? Send us an email and we’ll get in touch as soon as possible.